Community Support for Measure J
Residents of Sonoma County have the historic opportunity to vote on Measure J, a first-of-its-kind initiative to stop Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), also called factory farms.
If adopted, Measure J will require about 20 large CAFOs in the county to either close down or downsize over a 3-year period and prevent any new CAFOs from moving in. If passed, Measure J would prevent the suffering of millions of animals, protect our local waterways from massive amounts of untreated animal waste, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
These past few months, Yes on J volunteers have been having conversations with local residents - and we’ve connected with so many compassionate people who are excited to vote yes on Measure J! We’re especially thrilled to see new supporters stepping up to spread the word and even joining us at volunteer events.
One of the most meaningful ways newcomers are getting involved is through Letters to the Editor - notes to press outlets where everyday people can express their concerns and opinions. Here are some notable highlights from recent LTEs:
Jeremy Hill (Santa Rosa) learned more about Measure J after a volunteer knocked on his door and explained how animals in CAFOs are deprived of the ability to exhibit natural behaviors, and often mutilated and forced into overcrowded conditions. Jeremy shared:
I do not want such barbaric practices to be perpetrated in my backyard. I urge all of my neighbors and community members to vote yes on Measure J to take a strong step toward eradicating animal cruelty in Sonoma County. Read the letter here.
Peter Henriksen (Occidental), a local veterinarian, spoke up for the animals and the small farmers that get pushed out by large CAFOs.
I grew up on a small family farm in Iowa in the 1950s... The last time I was there the small farmers were nearly gone, replaced by huge acreages for crops and factory farms. Animals suffered from the day they were born till the day they died. In the process their waste contaminated the land and the water. So when I saw Measure J, I was happy to see there was something I could do about that not happening in Sonoma County. Read the letter here.
Anna Narbutovskih (Guerneville) called out the Board of Supervisors for their unprecedented decision to change the language in the opening statement of our ballot measure. This move is only one of many that the BOS has made against Measure J.
The point of the measure is to eliminate concentrated animal feeding operations and, thus, promote animal welfare and water quality. Please put the words back into Measure J. Voters deserve a fair description to make an informed choice. Read the letter here.
Larry Hanson (Forestville) addressed some of the misinformation that the opposition is spreading about alleged consequences of Measure J.
I remember when California asked chicken producers not to confine their animals in tiny cages. Chicken producers did not disappear, and consumers still get their California eggs albeit by being cage-free. Read the letter here.
Interested in advocating for Measure J? We’re always excited to welcome new volunteers to our events! No prior campaigning experience is necessary. See our calendar here.